Upping the Game for Home Healthcare Workers: Improving Satisfaction and Patient Outcomes

Earl Miller, Senior Product Strategy DirectorHealthcare Leave a Comment

There’s often discussion surrounding the idea that happier individuals do a better job. While that makes intuitive sense, it turns out it’s also backed by science. Recent research in psychology has demonstrated that being successful in any endeavor requires happiness as a prerequisite.

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Earl Miller, Senior Product Strategy Director

Shawn Achor, author of “The Happiness Advantage,” highlights this link between success and happiness noting that “[s]tudies show that simply believing we can bring about positive change in our lives increases motivation and job performance; that success, in essence, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.” From a healthcare industry standpoint, the implication is clear: to successfully improve safety, care, and patient outcomes clinicians need to feel satisfied and empowered; they need to be happier. One way to increase provider happiness is by improving their daily workflow to allow for less stress. While there has been a great deal of focus on workflow for the hospital setting, the home healthcare industry has been largely neglected. This is finally changing.

Home healthcare is a thriving segment of the healthcare industry and an important extension of the medical care continuum. Like most segments, it has a distinctive organization with its own unique challenges. While technology has advanced efficiency within a hospital setting, home healthcare workers have largely been left behind. Thankfully, one of the newest drivers in efficiency, HIPAA compliant speech to text recognition, is being geared specifically for home healthcare workers. These speech solutions easily remove hours of documentation from the day, reducing provider fatigue while increasing documentation accuracy, productivity, and patient satisfaction.

Just like clinicians in an inpatient facility, home healthcare workers are held to a high standard when it comes to clinical documentation. Detailed documentation of the patient encounter is critical to the continuum of care between home healthcare workers. Because this documentation must be accurate and thorough it represents a large portion of a clinician’s daily workload, often requiring them to stay after hours to complete it. In fact, discussions with field-based, critical care nurses, and case management nurses reveal that the largest complaint is the number of hours spent documenting after their shifts end. Speech recognition technology addresses this issue, allowing clinicians to complete their documentation in real-time rather than after hours. This improved efficiency saves time and reduces stress for the clinician, allowing for more productive patient encounters and a more positive outlook for both clinician and patient.

While there are various speech to text solutions, nVoq’s SayIt is cloud-based and plays nicely with all platforms. This means that you can use it wherever you have an internet connection and on Windows or Mac. There is even an app for Android. This makes SayIt uniquely suited to cover the needs of the mobile healthcare worker. SayIt is also HIPAA compliant and has built in medical vocabularies tailored to multiple topics in the medical field. With SayIt, providers can get work done much faster and right the first time, cutting documentation time by 25%.

If saving time, decreasing burnout, and increasing productivity, and patient satisfaction are important to you, contact us at connect@nvoq.com or call 720-562-4500 for more information.

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